Title : Coffee Facts That Every Coffee Enthusiast Should Know
- In the world, people drink more than 400 billion cups of coffee each year.
全世界,人們每年喝超過 4000千億杯的咖啡。 - Coffee is grown more than 50 countries in the world.
咖啡樹在全世界50多個國家種植。 - According to Economic of Coffee resource, 25 million farmers depend on coffee crops.
根據 咖啡經濟學 的資源顯示,2500萬的咖啡農以種植咖啡樹維生。

棕 — Canephora 羅布斯塔
紅 — Canephora 羅布斯塔 + Arabica 阿拉比卡
淡黃 — Arabica 阿拉比卡
- The worldwide coffee industry earns about $60 billion per year.
全世界咖啡產業每年收益約莫600億。 - More than 450 million cups of coffee drink in the United States every day.
美國每天飲用多達4億5000萬杯的咖啡。 - According to the International Coffee Organization (ICO), Finland is the most coffee consumption country in the world. People drink coffee 12 kg per capita(人均) each year.
根據世界咖啡組織,芬蘭是全世界咖啡消耗量最多的國家。每個人每年平均飲用12公斤的咖啡。 - The international coffee day is 1st October which was started in 2015. 世界咖啡日始於2015年,為10月1號。
- The United States is the biggest coffee consumer in the world, where the national coffee day is 29 September. (Source: ICO)
全世界最大的咖啡消費量是美國,國家咖啡日為9月29日。 - Do you know what is the largest coffee producer country in the world? According to the WorldAtlas, Brazil is taken the place. In 2016, Brazil produced 2,595,000 metric ton coffee bean.
你知道全世界最大的咖啡製造國嗎? 根據WorldAtlas,巴西取得一席之位。在2016年,巴西製造了2,595,000噸的咖啡豆。 - Morning coffee improves your personal daily focus and reduces stress.
早上來杯咖啡可以增進自己一天的專注力以及減少壓力。 - While you feel headache, coffee can help you to relieve.
當你感到頭痛時,咖啡可以幫助你緩解頭痛。 - Coffee contains essential nutrients and antioxidants that quite helpful for your body and mind.
咖啡富含對人體及心理有益不可或缺的營養素和抗氧化劑。 - 25% of coffee farms are led by women. (Source: ICO)
25%的咖啡農場主人是女性。 - 70% of the workforce growing coffee is made up of women. (Source: ICO)
70% 種植咖啡的勞動人口是由女性所組成。 - Are you looking for lower calories drink? Drink coffee without worrying about higher calories.
在尋找低咖路里的飲料嗎?喝黑咖啡就不必擔心高卡路里的困擾。 - Coffee is great for fitness junkies! It can preserve your muscles, make the immune system stronger and helps you to workout harder.
咖啡對健身愛好者有益!咖啡可以把持你的肌肉,強化免疫系統幫助訓練強度。 - Coffee improves your memory and boosts brainpower.
咖啡可以增進記憶力而且促進腦力。 - 150 million (Adult) Americans around 54% drink coffee everyday where 65% people consume it in the morning.
1億5千萬的美國成年人,其中約54%的人每天喝咖啡,且其中的65%會在早上喝咖啡。 - From a 2012 case study, people who drink coffee reduces the risk of premature death.
從一個2012的研究,喝咖啡減少過早死亡的風險。 - In United States 35% people like black coffee and 65% coffee lovers prefer to add cream or sugar.
在美國35%的人喜歡喝黑咖啡;65%的咖啡喜愛者偏向於加入鮮奶油或糖。 - According to Wikipedia and International Coffee Organization (ICO), every day 2 billion cups of coffee drink everyday.
根據維基百科與國咖啡組織,每天會有20億杯的咖啡。 - An average cup of coffee contains 95 mg of caffeine. (Source: Healthline)
平均每杯咖啡富含95毫克的咖啡因。 - In order to make a cup of coffee, you will require 100 coffee beans.
做一杯咖啡需要100顆咖啡豆。 - To produce coffee, a coffee tree needs at least 5 years to be mature.
為了生產咖啡豆,一顆咖啡樹需要至少5年長至成熟。 - Kopi luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world. A single cup of coffee costs $35 to $80 where a one pound bag of beans costs $100 to $600.
麝香貓咖啡是世界上最貴的咖啡豆。一杯單品咖啡要價35~80美金。一磅的咖啡豆也要價100到600美金。 - After water, coffee is the most popular drink in the world.
繼水之後,咖啡是世界上最受歡迎的飲品。 - 3.1 cups of coffee consumption in the US every day.
美國每天消耗3.1杯的咖啡。 - At work, 24 minutes a day are spent on making, drinking hot cups of coffee and serving.
在工作時段中,每天有24分鐘會花在製作,飲用一杯熱咖啡。 - Coffee plants are grown commercially in Hawaii and California. These are only two states in the US able to produce coffee.
咖啡樹在夏威夷和加州商業種植,這是為二在美國可以生產咖啡的地方。 - One of the most largest coffee chains Starbucks has more than 27,000 locations worldwide.
星巴克在全球有27000多個據點,是最大的咖啡鏈之一。 - In the United States, 65% people drink coffee during the morning hours.
在美國,有65%的人在早晨時光喝咖啡。 - According to Goodhousekeeping research, “You can order coffee 25,000 different ways at Dunkin“.
根據Goodhousekeeping的研究「你可以在Dunkin用25000方式點咖啡」。 - 24% people drink 13 cup each week in United States. (Coffee Statistics)
美國有24%的人每週喝13杯咖啡。 - According to Vox Science & Health reports, “Don’t worry, you would need to drink about 30 cups in a very short period time to get close to a lethal dose of caffeine.”
根據Vox自然和健康的報導「不用擔心,你需要在短時間喝下30杯咖啡才有可能導致致命的咖啡因中毒」 - According to Good Housekeeping Beauty Lab chemist Danusia Wnek, “Coffee grounds are physical exfoliators that can lift off dead skin cells, making skin feel smooth and look brighter,”.
根據Good Housekeeping Beauty Lab 的化學家Danusia Wnek 「咖啡渣是可以去除死皮細胞的物理去角質劑,使皮膚感覺光滑,看起來更白皙」。 - By Taking 70 cups of coffee can kill a roughly 150 pound person. (Soruce: AsapSCIENCE )
服用70杯咖啡可以殺死大約150磅的人。 - There are two main types of coffee grown in the commercial market: arabica and robusta. (Soruce: Insider)
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中英對照未免也太猛了吧 版主的用心真的是非常棒 沒想到還有國家咖啡日這種節日 真的是長知識了!